- This event has passed.
UPDATED: June 13, 2022 Civic Meeting & Zoom
June 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Unfortunately Sheriff Prendergast will be out of town for this meeting, though we have him rescheduled for September 12 when we return from summer vacation.
Meanwhile, Helen Van de Walker will tell us some tales (or are they tails?) from her experiences founding and running Hope Wildlife Rescue and being a wildlife rehabilitator. She’ll share her heartwarming successes and a few heartbreaking losses and provide a few recommendations for if or when you encounter a wild animal in distress.
Please note the updated Zoom meeting information below:
Civic Association meetings will resume in September, and Dinner / Bingo nights will continue throughout the summer.
Join us in person and share some snacks and fellowship after the meeting or view the meeting on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 0173 7902
Passcode: 354433
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Meeting ID: 850 0173 7902
Passcode: 354433
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