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April 11, 2022 Civic Meeting & Zoom info
April 11, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Want to know what’s up in Citrus County? Our speaker in April is the Wright guy to ask.
Mike Wright was the Citrus County Chronicle’s most tenured reporter. He recently ended his 34-year career with the Chronicle but is not done reporting. During his tenure, Mike became known throughout the community for his writing about politics, county government, school board, cities, and the Suncoast Parkway. Along the way, he’s won numerous awards for his writing.
Mike is considered a political authority in Citrus County, having covered every county election since 1988.
Now publisher/owner of Just Wright Citrus, a daily blog that focuses on Citrus County issues, Mike continues his watch on where we are today, how we got here, and how best to move forward.
Mike’s goal is to help facilitate the transition between what he calls Citrus pre-parkway and Citrus post-parkway. Citrus County is at a critical juncture, and it will take clear, insightful thinking to get us through it. Mike, through Just Wright Citrus, has taken the lead on getting those talks started.
Join us in person and share some snacks and fellowship after the meeting or view the meeting on Zoom.
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