President’s Message Joey Valinoti
Hello to our Civic members and all of our Pine Ridge residents. I recently have taken on the role of President where Sue Wassermann left off. Her clear thinking and quick analysis of most every aspect of life will be appreciated on the PRPOA board. Her work on Civic has been an excellent example of community service.
I’ve been a member for almost 5 years and enjoyed participating in and attending our monthly meetings, quarterly road cleanup (Pine Ridge Pickers) and monthly Saturday night Bingo.
A few years back I gave a presentation on the topic of “Things at home that break, leak, stick, make noise, or just plaIn old quit working.” My experience as a remodeling contractor has brought about just about every problematic situation that can happen in a home. I’ve given troubleshooting advice over the phone to customers, saving them a service charge and hopefully fixing a simple issue on their own. Now I work as a handyman and serve several communities.
Right now, the focus for Civic is to attract new members and increase attendance and participation at all the events it hosts, as these have been declining.
We have had some very informative speakers over the years and that alone is worth the low membership price of $15 per year per household! We will continue to find interesting speakers from all over Citrus County and right here in Pine Ridge as well.
The Civic Association co-sponsored with PRPOA our Open House which was held on June 29th. It was deemed a success! Almost every club had a table set up to meet “newcomers”, as well as established residents. All of the PRPOA Board officers, the ADC, Deed Restrictions, Roads, and Technology Committees were there to answer questions and sign folks up for “Stay in Touch.” Sandwiches, veggies, fruit, cookies, tea and soda served as “dinner” for many. Freedom Boat Club, Blackshears Aluminum, Sparky’s E-Bikes, Outpost Shooting Range, and RES Luxury Group Realty had displays. We really packed the Community Center with a great turnout.
One other event that we Civic sponsored was our County Commissioner Candidates’ Forum. All five of the candidates were there along with a few candidates for other positions. We had a great turnout with over 80 residents at the Community Center and another 25 or so on Zoom.
Several candidates as well as Mike Wright (formerly of the Chronicle) stated that ours was the best run Forum they’d attended and that the questions submitted by Pine Ridge members were thought provoking and challenging to answer.
If you have a suggestion as to a speaker or an improvement you’d like to see, we welcome your thoughts.
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