President’s Message Joey Valinoti
Fall season greetings to all. At our August 29th board meeting we discussed and re-assigned responsibilities for the various tasks involved in keeping our Civic Association functioning smoothly. Gathering material, printing, emailing and mailing the post is just one of them. Paying bills, insurance, booking speakers, assembling Pine Ridge Pickers (road cleanup), announcements and preparing the room for Bingo Night by setting tables and chairs, procuring and preparing food, etc.
Once again Civic is in need of additional membership. As a non profit club, we need to purchase insurance which drains a good portion of our funds every year. Please ask a neighbor if they would be interested in joining the club. Our monthly speakers provide excellent information on a variety of topics which is well worth the $15 membership fee per household per year! Bingo continues to have a great turnout. Our Last 50/50 raffle was $131.00 and each game was $96.00. A big thank you to all who pitch in and help with Bingo night.
Reminder—If you have a suggestion as to a speaker or an improvement you’d like to see, we welcome your thoughts.
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