President’s Message Joey Valinoti
My Civic Association duties keep me busy with what little spare time I have. They are very rewarding though, as I have an active role in our Pine Ridge Community which lends itself to a variety of activities I and others participate in.
The March guest speaker, John DeVore, did a fine job with his presentation on various aspects of landscape design and tree preservation. His slide presentation was filled with all types of native shrubs, flowers, and trees that add incredible value to a property. Simply adding a tree canopy can shade your area and drop the temperature below the canopy nicely. Less water consumption is the goal when doing your plantings so trying to eliminate as much grass as possible is always a good plan.
If anyone would like to suggest a guest speaker feel free to contact me.
Hopefully our community will be aware of the candidates who are running for two seats on the Board of Directors. It’s unfortunate how little participation these elections get especially with several serious issues which have a direct impact on the community. The complaining and hostilities on the NextDoor App seem to escalate the issues. Our Board is our primary conduit to keeping our community afloat. They are the folks who gets things done or not.
The Native Plant Society is having their annual sale through April 4. Order form is available at
March Bingo turned out to be another successful evening. Our pizza dinner was good and the 50/50 raffle paid out a whopping $142.00 to the winner! Bingo paid out $97.00 per hand and we had two sets of triple winners. We were just shy of 100 residents in attendance.
Next month we will be serving chicken tenders with all the other goodies that come with dinner. We look forward to seeing all of you back then.
Remember to invite your neighbors and friends to join in the fun and join the Pine Ridge Civic Association! It’s just $15 per family per year.
Joey Valinoti
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