May Meeting:  Pickleball and Citrus County Library System

It was wonderful to see more people attend May’s meeting in person, and then to see a room full of bingo players the next Saturday was a second treat!  I haven’t attended myself, but I hear that the Friday night games are well attended also.

Click HERE for full copy of May’s POST

May’s meeting had Maggie Case invite us all to give Pickleball a try.  It is the fastest growing sport in the US.  Open play is on the upper tennis courts Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 8AM, and Sunday at 6PM.  The players are happy to help you learn, or you could take lessons from Jen Griffin, who is a professional player and trainer.

Later, Taylor Keeran, the Community Facilitator for the Citrus County Library System talked about the services offered at their five branches.  They have a full calendar of activities, including crafts, technology based programs, story time for kids, movies, informational presentations, and more.  They rely heavily on volunteers for book sales, and adult literacy program and tutors for immigrants preparing for their US citizenship exam.  After the meeting, she and Olivia from the Central Ridge Library let us acquire or renew our library cards and provided a brochure showing how to borrow from their vast ebooks and audiobooks collection.  For more information, go to

Hey, did you know that you can file a complaint against commercial truck, cargo, or bus drivers?  For instance, if you see a big-rig short cutting through Pine Ridge, a dangerous driver or an unsafe load.  The National Consumer Complaint Database ( lets you document what you saw.  If a moving, trucking, or bus company receives too many complaints, they’re fined and required to take action.  We citizens do have the power to affect change, we need to use it.

7PM, Monday June 14th: Capt Troy Hess Interim Emergency Management Director for the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office

6PM, Saturday June 19:  Bingo and Hot Dogs, see Page 3.

RSVP to me, Sue, via text, phone call, or voicemail at 352-300-0890 , or send an email to